Did you know that May is Mental Health Month?
How are you taking care of your employee’s mental health?
We’ve all heard of the Golden Rule:
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
But do you know the Platinum Rule?
“Do unto others as THEY would have you do unto them.”
If you’ve been reading along with us, you know by now that some of the top causes of employee turnover are lack of satisfaction and engagement. It would be unfair to say that employers across the board simply don’t know how to satisfy or engage their employees. So what’s going wrong?
People have differing goals – and differing needs – in the workplace. The job satisfaction they experience is determined by how well their job meets their current needs and helps them achieve their future goals. The challenge for employers? This is not a one-size-fits-all requirement. You have to pay to play. You have to get to know your team members on a more personal level, and invest time in creating a space where they can thrive. The great thing for you is that this initial investment turns into a massive time and resources savings in the long run. By taking the time to get to know your team-members and what makes them tick individually, you create and environment where people are better at the their jobs and happier while doing them, thus ensuring low turnover rates.
The same goes for engagement. It could be argued that engagement is a component of satisfaction, but we set it apart because it is so important. It’s a little like parenting – what works for one kid is not necessarily going to work for another kid. The same goes in the workplace. You might have one employee who can’t come up with a creative marketing idea to save their life, and one who thrives on generating marketing ideas all day long. Or, perhaps one team member is growing and becoming a stronger leader through the experience they are gaining in your company, and it it’s time to move them on to a roll with more responsibility and greater leadership challenges. Failure to identify this shift in this person could result in catastrophic loss of time and resources should that person get bored, feel undervalued, and quit their position. Conversely, the ability to identify this shift in engagement needs and meet those needs could result in exponential growth for your company through an employee who feels valued and is motivated to innovate.
The Predictive Index is the best tool we know for figuring all of this out. People are complex. The Predictive Index takes your employees through a comprehensive exam that is the most accurate predictor of workplace needs that we know of.
Go ahead, practice that Platinum Rule today. We guarantee it will help you.
Contact us at Woodhill Solutions for more insight on how to help your business run more efficiently!