This month we are going to be talking about a couple different topics: National Mentoring Month, Get A Balanced Life Month and Get Organized & Be Productive Month! (Stick with us – it will all make sense in a minute!)
Having a strong organizational culture is what helps companies win awards and incentives and it’s also an integral part of employee retention. Culture is what attracts prospective candidates to apply to a job posting and also what entices them to sign on the dotted line once an offer is made.
But when a company’s organizational culture is the very reason for disengaged employees in the workplace, what happens then? One of the main factors that disrupts employee engagement and productivity is lack of fit within a company’s culture. Employees want to “fit” with their organization’s culture. We all want to feel as if we’re part of something positive – a culture of values that makes employees feel positive and a mission we can all get behind and support.
Employees who are misaligned with their company culture will never go the distance needed in the workplace. On the other hand, when employees are aligned with their company culture, they work extra hard to help the company reach its goals.
Recently, companies are changing human resources policies and benefits to entice the younger population that makes up the largest percentage of the workplace: millennials. This digital population prioritizes work-life balance and employer benefits on an equal level – or perhaps an even higher – level to compensation. For employers, this means putting employee loyalty, job satisfaction, and work-life balance first.
So, what works? What type of company culture actually retains?
One factor that has a big influence is your organizations PTO policy. Researchers have found that over half of human resources professionals have noticed an increase in millennial-aged candidates asking about benefits during their hiring process. Companies have found that by implementing a restructured or unlimited PTO policy, employees were able to create flexible work and vacation schedules. Unlimited vacation policies at companies work as long as these companies have transparency, clear communication, trust, and have regular performance evaluations for employees. This is ultimately creating a happier employee workforce, which then creates a happier and more productive workplace.
Another large contributing factor in company culture as it relates to retention is mentorship. An organization’s talent is its greatest asset. Companies that recognize this fact have more than likely already created or implemented mentorship programs to continually improve their teams. Mentorship programs in the workplace are proven to boost employee morale, encourage company loyalty, and enhance overall work performance.
What are some benefits to mentorship programs in the workplace?
-Develop new managers from within the company.
-Support diversity and inclusion efforts and other employee resource groups.
-Motivate employees that possess high potential for advancement.
-Onboard new employees.
-Encourage camaraderie in remote teams.
Mentors themselves can develop employees leadership and management capabilities in the workplace as well. Simple acts of recognition, or rewards, can make the programs that much more gratifying for building up employees.
Implementing some of the tips and tricks we shared from information garnered from the Predictive Index can help improve employee morale and happiness in the workplace, and save you time and money by eliminating turnover. By finding a happy medium and a sustainable work/life balance, your employees can be productive and happy members of your team for years to come.