Rest and Relaxation

It’s finally Summer, and Summer means time for Vacation.

What if you can’t go on vacation though?  What if upticks in prices have you pinching pennies a bit, or you simply don’t have time to take a trip right now?

Summer vacations encourage us to take a break from the day to day.  They allow us to broaden our horizons, experience new things, and hopefully relax and unwind.  Don’t ignore your need for recharging and self-care just because you can’t take a vacation right now.

What to do if you can’t take a trip?

The first step is to establish what self-care means for you.  Self-care can vary widely depending on your drive.  This is where the Predictive Index assessment can help you.  If you are more inclined to socialize to unwind, scheduling extra time with friends and colleagues off the clock can help you feel like work is less stressful.  Alternatively, if you recharge best by being on your own, making time for things like gardening, solo day adventures, or just sitting and reading a book can help reduce your stress.

Adjusting your daily habits can also help you feel more like you just took a vacation – even if you didn’t.  Some of our favorite ways to do this are:

Movement:  You don’t need to think of it as “exercise” if that’s stressful.  Just getting up every hour or two and walking around the office for 5 minutes can help you reset and feel less stressed (ask Scott – this is his favorite healthy work habit!).  Adding headphones and your favorite playlist makes it even more enjoyable.
Breaks:  Ironically, the best thing you can do when you have too much to do is to take a break!  Frequent breaks make you feel like you have less to do.  This little mind game can help make you more productive and less stressed overall.
Say “No”:  Or rather, find a balance between saying “No” and saying “Yes.”  Thea ct of taking things off your plate that don’t need to be there can not only free up your time, but can mentally make more space for things about your job and your personal life that you enjoy.  We all have to say “Yes” to things we don’t want to do sometimes, but try looking at those gray-area parts of your life and assessing whether you have to do them or whether you can maybe say “No Thanks.”

As always, the way you care for yourself and the enjoyment you get from your daily tasks is determined by who you are deep down.  That’s why we’re are here – to help you connect with your inner drive and find the best fit for you and your team.  Ready to get started?  Get in touch today.

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