We spend a lot of time giving you tips and tricks on how to engage your workforce, but how do you know if your efforts are producing results?
The obvious answer is that you will see higher productivity and higher profits. If you’ve been in business for any length of time, however, you know that it can take a little time to get these results. Implementing change leads to better habits, and habits sometimes take a little while to take. If our engagement strategy is not working, it’s essential to ascertain that early on and have the time to pivot.
So what are the early signs that your newly implemented engagement strategy is working?
Here are a few things to look for within your team that can help inform your engagement strategy:
Participation & Communication
Look for a tighter bond between your team members and more voluntary participation from them. Employees will want to be more involved once they are more engaged. Speaking up in meetings more often? Attending events and learning opportunities that they might not have before? All good signs!
Making Use of Opportunities
Does your direct report Carpe that Diem? Are they utilizing the learning opportunities you present to them? Are they showing interest in learning skills beyond those needed for their own position? These are natural behaviors you will see as your workforce becomes more engaged.
The next stage of engagement is the desire to create! When your team starts coming forward with ideas they are excited about that can help the company grow, you know that they are fully-engaged.
Do you need help developing an engagement strategy, or have a great story about one that led to success? Reach out today at info@upgagement.com!