Are you regularly scheduling 1:1’s with your direct reports?
We think it’s safe to assume that most of you are. But in the off chance that you are not…
The well-appointed 1:1 is an essential part of creating and maintaining an engaged team. 1:1’s can happen as often as every week or as seldom as once a month, but the object is the same – clear and open communication.
The successful 1:1 can be broken down into the three key ways that your direct report is relating to their workplace:
Emotional Life
Get into the nitty gritty!
- How does your direct report actually feel about their job?
- How are they relating to their teammates and to you?
- Are you listening to their challenges and responding with solutions?
- Is your direct report feeling valued?
- Is your direct report feeling like they are part of a team, or are they feeling isolated?
- Does your direct report have the sense they are contributing to a bigger global, ethical purpose by being with your company?
- Are you showing appreciation for your direct report’s contributions, and are they receiving that appreciation?
These are just some of the questions you can ask yourself and implement in your 1:1’s. Remember that the way your direct report feels about their job will be a huge contributing factor toward your ability to retain them as an employee.
Daily Grind
Can you get an accurate sense of what your direct report’s daily grind is really like? What is wearing them down? Are there particular tasks they are struggling with? The 1:1 is your chance as a manger to get a bird’s eye view of the situation and maneuver according to the information you glean from the session. If you are actively listening to what your direct report is communicating, you have a valuable opportunity to gain insight into the situation and head off problems at the pass.
Career Pathing
It’s a difficult truth that retaining employees also means preparing them to move on. We all have our career and life goals, and one of the best ways to keep your direct reports engaged is to invest in them by facilitating education and experiences that will help them move on to the next level. The great news is that many employees will continue to stay with a company that gives them the opportunity to learn. This goes back to our first point, too – showing your direct report that you care about their goals and needs as people goes a long way toward showing them that you call them beyond what they can give back to your company.
Do you have questions on how to conduct a successful 1:1? We’d love to hear them! Get in touch today at, and let us help you get on the road to successful and productive 1:1’s!