We talk a lot about WHY you should use the Predictive Index. We talk a lot about WHAT the Predictive Index can do for you and your business.
But HOW does the Predictive Index do what it does?
We’re here today to break that down for you. Hold onto your hats – this one could blow you away!
First, you get online. And we can’t see into the future, but we would bet some serious money that this is the easiest “test” you will ever take.
You need about 5 minutes to answer two questions, each containing checkboxes that revolve around how you see yourself and what’s expected from you by others. While taking the test is easy, decades of research went into this and it’s a methodology that’s been used and vetted since the 1950’s.
Once you click submit, the fun starts!
You will get a chart that looks like this:
Let’s break this down…
Self – This is the section that talks about who you really are and what drives you. No truth serum needed – The Predictive Index took care of this for us.
Self-Concept – This section talks about what is expected from you in your current role. The disparities are pretty obvious, aren’t they? This is the key to pay attention to here, and it can make or break your retention/turnover rates, employee satisfaction, and productivity. In a nutshell, if your Self-Concept is TOO different from your Self (which is your true nature), you’re likely burned or stressed out and may be considering leaving the company.
Synthesis – This is essentially what it sounds like. This section synthesizes the top two sections and shows how others likely experience you in the workplace.
Ready to get started?
Click Here to take the Predictive Index Assessment and discover YOUR superpowers!
Contact us TODAY to get on the road to more workplace satisfaction, more productivity, and a stronger corporate culture!